As Director of early stage Startup Banking at Silicon Valley Bank, Pooja leverages her knowledge and experience, to work with early stage (pre-Series A) founders, life science investors and key industry leaders, to provide specialized solutions across all life sciences and healthcare sectors, to unlock their next chapter of value. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, SVB has been at the intersection of innovation and capital, providing a full range of banking products and services, to help innovators and investors move bold ideas forward.

Prior to SVB, Pooja worked side-by-side with researchers, clinician scientists and founders at three R1 research institutions in the northeast, as a technology transfer and business development professional, to influence high-impact industry collaborations for advancement of early stage inventions and promote technology entrepreneurship. Pooja holds a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology from Ohio University and her doctoral thesis was part of the foundational technology out-licensed to Phosplatin Therapeutics (now Promontory Therapeutics), a private, clinical-stage drug development company focusing on oncology therapeutics.

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