Deanna Willis, MD

Dr. Willis is the Endowed Professor of Primary Care and Population Health Research in the Department of Family Medicine and Interim Chair of Family Medicine at Indiana University School of Medicine.
She received her medical degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia and her Masters of Business Administration at the Indiana University Kelley School of Business. Dr. Willis is Board Certified by the American Board of Family Practice. Dr. Willis has completed the Institute for Healthcare Improvement year-long Improvement Advisor program, which prepares healthcare professionals to lead performance improvement efforts in complex healthcare environments.
She served as Chief Medical Officer of Quality and Medical Management for Indiana University Medical Group-Primary Care from 2001-2012 where she facilitated achievement of Level 3 National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Patient Centered Medical Home and Diabetes Recognition Program recognition for all of the commercial practices. From 2013-2016, she was Transformation Officer/Senior Medical Director of Quality Improvement for IU Health Physicians, where she led the Lean transformation of IUHP’s 200 physician practices and 6 value streams. Nationally, she co-chairs the American Medical Associations Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement’s (PCPI) Preventative Care Technical Expert Panel and serves on the National Board of Medical Examiners Quality and Safety Test Materials Development Committee. She has previously served on the National Committee for Quality Assurance’s (NCQA) Wellness and Geriatric Expert Work Group, and the National Board of Medical Examiners Computer Simulation Committee. She is previous Vice Chair of Research for the Department of Family Medicine and Principal Investigator of the Indiana University/Indiana University Health Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative Flagship site.