Darcy Forman

Darcy Forman is the Chief Delivery Officer for Science 37, where she has responsibility and oversight for clinical operations service delivery, including patient engagement, clinical operations, data management, and nursing solutions.
Darcy has more than 20 years of experience bridging clinical operational expertise and strategic corporate development initiatives with a passion for innovative and decentralized clinical trial execution. Most recently, Darcy served as the vice president of corporate development at Firma Clinical Research, where she had oversight and leadership responsibility for the identification, development, and execution of corporate development opportunities, including the evaluation of Firma corporate strategies and strategic planning. Darcy started her career at Pfizer Pharmaceuticals as a bench scientist before transitioning into a role in Pfizer’s clinical research division. She continued her career with ascending clinical operations and project management positions at various CROs spanning large, mid-size, and niche including i3 Research (now Syneos Health), Health Decisions, Clinipace, and Firma Clinical.
During her career, Darcy has fostered her passion for innovation and intelligent operational strategy by bringing metric-driven decision making to each role and organization. Darcy holds a BA in chemistry from Lake Forest College.