Robert J. Schneider, PhD

Dr. Robert Schneider is a leading biomedical investigator and has been a biotech entrepreneur for more than 30 years. He combines innovative biomedical scientific research with disruptive models of business development to pioneer new therapies in for the benefit of patients. Dr. Schneider is a co-founding scientist of six biotechnology/small pharmaceutical companies: ImClone Systems (New York); PTC Therapeutics (New Jersey); Canji (San Diego); GenCell (Paris); Charterhouse Pharmaceuticals (London); and ENB Therapeutics (New York). Dr. Schneider is the Albert Sabin Professor of Molecular Pathogenesis and for seven years until 1/2020, the Associate Dean for NYU Technology Ventures and Partnerships (TVP) at NYU Langone Health/NYU School of Medicine. He oversaw the integration and transformation of NYU technology transfer that launched over 100 startup companies during that time. Dr. Schneider is a research scientist and maintains a productive lab performing basic and translational research on metastatic breast cancer, regulation of the immune response, and regulation of adult tissue stem cells for tissue regeneration. He is the author of more than 180 peer-reviewed publications in leading journals and has been continuously funded by the NIH for more than 30 years.