Information for TechBio Companies That Would Like to Present 

TechBio Showcase will feature companies reimagining the role of technology in biology and human health. Join us to showcase your company to investors and partners among a cohort of companies poised to revolutionize the biotech industry. 

Who Should Present? 

Companies in the following categories that are working in the human health and biology space are eligible to present in the TechBio Showcase: 

  • Drug Discovery Enabling Technologies and Tools 
  • Quantum Computing 
  • AI and Machine Learning Enabled Drug Development 
  • Robotics and Medical Devices 
  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Realty 
  • DNA/RNA and Protein Synthesis
  • Digital Medicine and Digital Therapeutics 
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)/Large Language Models (LLM)
  • Brain/Machine Interface
  • Electroceutical Therapeutics and Technologies
  • Biomanufacturing Technologies
  • Bioprocessing Technologies
  • Platforms and Discovery Engines 

BioFuture TechBio Presenting Company Fees

  • TechBio Company presentation fee:
    • $2,750 Super Early Bird Registration Fee (Ends August 31) 
    • $2,950 Early Bird Registration Fee (Ends September 30) 
    • $3,150 Regular Registration (Ends October 26) 
    • $3,350 Onsite Registration  
    • This fee includes access for one (1) presenter, and one (1) company employee 

Presentation Time

Approved TechBio Showcase presenting companies are invited to apply for a 15-minute corporate presentation slot, including a break for transition. 

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